Wednesday, June 21, 2017
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“Neat, loud and above all beautiful”

Martin Wijbenga (1st Program Technician) Harry Zwerver (Freelance Audio Technician) of Omrop Fryslân were looking for a new, unique sound and wanted to distinguish themselves from the rest of The Netherlands.

The demands were clear: “We don’t want squeezed music like all other radio stations” explains Martin “Also we don’t want to subdue to loudness and it has to be a big technological improvement”. With this wishes they started their quest.

Extensive demo
In the beginning of 2016 Omrop Fryslân purchased four Omnia.9sg broadcast stereo generators, so their choice for the Omnia.11 wasn’t a big surprise. Triple Audio did an extensive demo on location for Omrop Fryslân including a FM transmitter.

The Omnia.11 isn’t just an improvement of the previous generation processors. Its reduced to its basics, completely redesigned and build up again from scratch to one fantastic piece of a processor(!) Sounds; with ease loud, is distinguished by its thundering bass, has sparkling highs and an open, clear voices. This combined with the recognizable punch and clarity makes the Omnia.11 the most powerful processor for the bigger radio stations around the world.

Omrop Fryslân makes the right decision
Omrop Fryslân chooses direct and unanimous for the Omnia.11 with G-Force (G-Force is the new and modern technique in the field of dynamics. Long story short: you hear the music, not the processor). That’s why Omrop Fryslân sounds nice and loud and is the audio perfect, a nice collaboration with the Omnia.9sg as a dessert.The reactions of employees and listeners of Omrop Fryslân are super positive!

Do you also want a demo?
You too are able to get an extensive demo of Omnia (all versions are available!) Do you want to pick a date for a demo? Contact us and get that unique sound!

Martin Wijbenga and Harry Zwerver with their new OmniaStokkemask

Contact Us

Are you interested or do you have questions after reading this information? Then please fill in our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible!