Tuesday, March 12, 2024
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Flexible workflow for Rijnmond

A futureproof system is of utmost importance for every radio station. That's why Rijnmond's old Klotz system was in dire need of replacement with a reliable, modern system. And when you think of a modern Audio over IP (AoIP) mixing console, the Axia Quasar by Telos Alliance is the first to spring to mind.

When there is news of value in the region Zuid-Holland-Zuid, you can bet on Rijnmond to be there! Because Rijnmond is always involved in the region, it is necessary for Rijnmond to be able to make broadcasts from different locations and adapt quickly. Therefore, the selected equipment must align with this workflow perfectly.

Quasar, the star of the studio

Because of the long-standing relationship between Rijnmond and Triple Audio, our team of engineers has a good understanding of the technical needs at the station. Rijnmond got to experience AoIP firsthand through their OB van, which Triple Audio had the opportunity to create in 2020. After multiple conversations and demos allowing Rijnmond to familiarise themselves with the Axia Quasar, the decision was made. Steven Hulsker, projects & innovations at Rijnmond, tells us; 'We received demos with the Quasar, after which everyone was immediately convinced that the technology is impressive and that it perfectly suited our needs.'

You can't get around it, the Quasar is the star of the studio (at least when it comes to equipment). This mixer was placed at Rijnmond a staggering six times; two at the self-support spaces, one for the news desk, two at the WPMs and one at the final direction space. Every studio makes use of the matching fader modules; in every space you can find the Quasar SR-faders and in the final direction space you will find the extensive XR-faders. These modules make it easy for final direction to offer assistance during broadcast of major events such as sports competitions.

The Axia Quasar, with its native AoIP qualities, is perfect for Rijnmond because they want to be able to create broadcasts from anywhere in the building. The different rooms also get combined on the transmission line frequently, says Steven;

'Combining multiple rooms on a transmission line requires a lot of functionality to run smoothly and Audio over IP proved to be particularly effective in achieving just that.'

New mixing console, familiar workflow

With the renewal of the studio, the workflow for the team members at Rijnmond didn't change along with it. Through Axia Pathfinder, our engineers were able to nearly identically replicate the previous workflow. Furthermore, the Triple Audio team worked hard to create a custom-made link between MDCNet and the Axia platform. This is great for the program makers, who can mix their broadcasts the same way as before. Constraints that users experienced with the prior installation were solved with the new one so the users could swiftly get started with their broadcasts.

By placing the same mixer in every studio, the working spaces became uniform. This is great for the users who don't have to adjust to a different workflow or a different set of functionalities whenever they go to a different studio.

For signalling, Rijnmond makes use of the Philips HUE signalling lights. These lights change colour when, for example, the studio goes live or a guest calls in. Triple Audio's own SmartControl facilitates the links between the lights and the Axia platform.

For the intercom, Rijnmond utilizes Telos Infinity VIP, located in the studios. This smart software makes use of virtual intercom panels, enabling flexible workflows via the cloud for the Rijnmond team. Telos Infinity VIP operates within a Docker container and seamlessly integrates with the Axia platform.

A pleasant listening experience is essential for a radio station. Therefore, Rijnmond chose to make use of the Omnia.9. The Omnia.9 maximizes the potential of your audio. We created an entirely custom preset for Rijnmond which optimizes the sound of Rijnmond. We already dedicated an article to this topic, which you can read here. The true Rijnmond sound ensures the stations' recognizability and clarity on the listeners' end. Prolonged listening is facilitated by the absence of the usual distortions found in other processors.

With this futureproof mixer platform, Axia Quasar, Rijnmond can make broadcasts for many years to come. We look forward to the wonderful radio Rijnmond will create with it!

Take a look at our timelapse video of the installation below;

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